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Find in Gudrun well

August 28, 2001, 11:30 CEST

Statoil has proven hydrocarbons in an exploration and appraisal well in the Gudrun structure in the Sleipner area of the North Sea.

Well 15/3-7 was drilled in the eastern section of the structure. Hydrocarbons were encountered in Middle and Upper Jurassic sandstone intervals. The well was not production tested, but core samples were retrieved and extensive information was collected.

“The results of the drilling will now be evaluated in terms of the potential reserves in Gudrun and in the rest of block 15/3,” reports Kjersti Seim, acting exploration manager for the area.

Gudrun was found through two exploration wells drilled in 1975 and 1979, when oil, gas and condensate were proven. The reservoir turned out to be complicated with high pressure and high temperature, and the reserves were not sufficiently quantified.

Well 15/3-7 has been a cooperation project between the licensees in production licences 025 and 187. BP is operator in 187 and Statoil in 025. Statoil has also been operator for the drilling.

The licensees in licence 025 are Statoil with 46.8 per cent, BP (25 per cent), TotalFinaElf (18.2 per cent) and Norsk Hydro (10 per cent). The allocation in licence 187 is BP (25 per cent), Statoil (65 per cent) and Norsk Hydro (10 per cent).