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New maintenance contracts

February 20, 2002, 13:00 CET

Statoil has awarded contracts to three companies for maintenance and modifications on installations on the Norwegian continental shelf and at the Kollsnes gas treatment complex near Bergen.

Aker Offshore Partner has been awarded the contract for the Tampen business cluster in the North Sea, while ABB Offshore Systems has got the Troll/Sleipner business cluster in the North Sea and Kollsnes. The contract for the Halten/Nordland business cluster in the Norwegian Sea has gone to Aker Reinertsen.

The total value of the contracts is around NOK 12 billion, including options. The contracts will run for five years initially, with three consecutive options to extend by two years.

Tampen alone represents half the contract amount, while the remainder is shared equally between Troll/Sleipner and Halten/Nordland.

With this round of tenders Statoil is reducing the number of maintenance and modifications contracts from eight to three in the Exploration & Production Norway business area.

"We have reduced the number of contracts for each business cluster in order to achieve more effective and cost-reducing operations. The objective is that a long-term, close collaboration will lead to lower overall costs and good results in health, safety, the environment and quality," says Henrik Carlsen, executive vice president for Exploration & Production Norway.

Plans call for the contracts to be signed in March.