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Five productive years

May 19, 2002, 11:25 CEST

Today, 19 May, marks five years of production for the Ã…sgard A ship in the Norwegian Sea. Revenues from the Ã…sgard field passed NOK 90 billion in April.

Early in May last year, even before four years had passed, revenues exceeded the total investment in the Ã…sgard chain of NOK 65.7 billion.

The investments have covered the Åsgard A production ship, the Åsgard B platform and the Åsgard C storage ship, as well as the subsea systems with 52 wells spread over 16 templates. The chain also includes the trunklines which lead from Åsgard B via the Kårstø gas processing plant north of Stavanger to Dornum in Germany.

"I'm very pleased with the job which has been done," says operations vice president Olav Skotheim.

He mentions a good working environment and efficient teams of workers as some of the success factors and adds: "Their efforts command respect. We must admit that we've had demanding years with considerable challenges, but we now have good, stable production."

Since start-up in 1999, 46.5 million cubic metres of liquid have been produced from the Ã…sgard field - 240 million barrels of oil and 54 million barrels of condensate.

Output from Ã…sgard A is now high and stable, with some 120,000 barrels of oil produced daily and transported from the field in shuttle tankers.

Åsgard B came on stream on 1 October 2000. Up to 42 million cubic metres of rich gas are piped daily to Kårstø, while condensate is transferred to Åsgard C.