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Facts about the Shtokman field

June 4, 2004, 15:00 CEST

Hydro has worked with the Shtokman field through different constellations of Russian and western companies since 1988.

Hydro has provided equipment and personnel for testing the gas find, and has carried out various studies for both Gazprom and Rosneft, as well as their subsidiaries Rosshelf and Sevmorneftegaz.

Through its Russian office, Hydro has established a contractor project in North-west Russia, which aims to help Russian companies to qualify for contracts in development projects in the Barents Sea.

Hydro is also involved in the Kharyaga field in the north-western part of Russia.


  • The field was found in 1988 to the east of Murmansk
  • Distance from land: 555 kilometers
  • Sea depth: 350 meters
  • Size: the field covers an area of 1,400 square meters
  • Licensees: Sevmorneftegaz, which is owned by the companies Rosneft (state) and Gazprom (state/private)