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Extended cooperation with University of Bergen

September 15, 2005, 16:00 CEST

Hydro is extending its Ph. D. scholarship agreement with the University of Bergen and the Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research (CIPR).

The agreement for NOK 9 million over three years will help support even more doctoral studies and strengthen education and research activities at the two institutions.

CIPR is classified as a national Center of Excellence in petroleum studies, and is an important partner for Hydro.

"It is important that we have strong research and educational centers in our core areas and near our operations. We have a long-term cooperation in geology, geophysics and reservoir engineering, and have recruited many students from the University of Bergen and CIPR," says Jens Hagen, vice president in Hydro Oil & Energy.
Hydro, the University of Bergen and CIPR have had a Ph. D. scholarship agreement the last four years.

When the agreement was extended at the university on Wednesday, 14 September, the parties also agreed to establish a three-dimensional Virtual Reality Wall at CIPR and that a minimum of three new doctoral candidates will be recruited. A travel stipend was also funded for students and researchers, as well as a field course in the Pyrenee Mountains.

University of Bergen
Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research (CIPR)