Due to scrubber repairs, gas production from the Statoil operated Troll A platform in the North Sea will be somewhat reduced for the time being.
Two electrically-driven compressors with scrubbers were installed on the platform last year to remove liquid droplets from the gas flow. It was recently discovered that parts of the scrubbers need to be replaced, and the compressors will therefore be out of operation during the repair period.
Delivery capacity from the Troll field in this period will be around 10 per cent below normal daily output.
Gas from Troll A is sent by pipeline to the treatment plant at Kollsnes, near Bergen, before the dry gas is sent to the European market.
Statoil is operator for Troll Gas with a 20.8 per cent interest. The other licensees are Petoro (56 per cent), Hydro (9.8 per cent), Shell (8.1 per cent), Total (3.7 per cent) and ConocoPhillips (1.6 per cent).