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Hydro seminar on a changing energy market

November 7, 2006, 10:00 CET

Hydro arranged its annual energy seminar in Bergens Grieghallen on Tuesday. The seminar, the seventh in succession, has become an important venue for guests and the media.

When Ormen Lange comes on stream in 2007, exports of Norwegian gas to Europe will increase considerably. The world’s longest subsea pipeline, Langeled, establishes a new and important gas infrastructure between Norway and Europe.

This creates exciting opportunities for Norway - and for Hydro. The energy seminar brought together representatives and associates of the oil industry as well as politicians. The seminar addressed the question: What perspectives do we see for energy nation Norway in a rapidly changing European energy market?

In the second part of the seminar, the attention was focused on technology and the efforts being made to secure greater recovery and optimal resource management on existing and new fields on the Norwegian continental shelf.

Norway – a major energy market player
"Norway’s role as a reliable oil and gas exporter requires us to attach great importance to the environment. We intend to be a leading country in the development of technology to handle CO2," said Minister of Petroleum and Energy Odd Roger Enoksen in his speech at the seminar.

"We are the world’s sixth biggest producer of hydroelectric power, but the biggest per capita producer. We are also the world’s third largest oil and gas exporter.

"The following areas have been given a high priority so that Norway will also enjoy considerable oil and gas production in the years ahead: increased recovery from fields in production, active exploration activity in mature and immature areas, a proactive strategy in far northern regions and an ambition to lead the world in technology and the environment.

"The government has set up a NOK 20 billion fund to boost efforts made on renewables and on energy efficiency. The goal of the government is for Norway to be energy self-sufficient in a normal year."

Hydro Prize

The Hydro Prize for 2006 was awarded during the energy seminar. The prize goes to pupils at high schools in the counties of Hordaland and Sogn and Fjordane who answered some testing questions in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. This competition is a joint effort between Hydro and the Bergen Science Center.

Hydro hopes, by means of the Hydro Prize and its support of the Science Center, to help kindle curiosity and interest for science subjects among today’s schoolchildren.

Programme for the energy seminar on 7 November 2006:

Welcoming address Executive vice president Tore Torvund, Hydro
Hydro’s role in the energy market President and CEO Eivind Reiten, Hydro
Perspectives for energy nation Norway Minister of Petroleum and Energy Odd Roger Enoksen
The changing European energy market: challenges and opportunities Phillip Lambert, CEO, Lambert Energy Advisory Ltd.
Grane: Technology and experience Øystein Michelsen, Head of Operations, Hydro
Breakthrough drilling on Grane Ketil Lenning, Managing Director, Odfjell Drilling
Drilling and well technology for the future Bjørn Engedal, Head of Department in Drilling
Research-based innovation in measurement technology Arvid Nøttvedt, Director, Chr. Michelsens Research
Award of Hydro Prize 2006