Exploration and production Norway
Operations North Sea Lars Chr Bacher (42) from Statoil
Exploration Tim Dodson (47) from Statoil
development Torstein Hole (47) from Statoil
Operations West Arne Sigve Nylund (46) from Statoil
Drilling and well Per Haaland (48) from Statoil
Health, safety and environment Tove Rørhuus (50) from Statoil
Finance and control Siv Solem (40) from Hydro
Reserve replacement
and business
development Hege Marie Norheim (40) from Hydro
People and organisation Anne T Hestenes (45) from Statoil
Operations North Øystein Michelsen (51) from Hydro
International exploration and production
Finance and control Anders Hatteland (39) from Statoil
Global exploration Bill Maloney (51) from Statoil
Business development John Knight (49) from Statoil
Europe and North Africa Ottar Rekdal (57) from Statoil
North America Øivind Reinertsen (54) from Statoil
Southern Atlantic Basin Kjetil Solbrække (44) from Hydro
Eurasia, Middle East and Asia Torgeir Kydland (50) from Hydro
People and organisation Lise Sollerud (47) from Hydro
Health, safety and environment Roald Riise (54) from Statoil
Offshore modifications Morten Ruth (49) from Statoil
Procurement Kjell-Erik Østdahl (42) from Statoil
Finance and control Marion Svihus (51) from Statoil
Land-based facilities Knut Magne VÃ¥gen (43) from Statoil
Offshore projects and satellite fields BÃ¥rd Heimset (51) from Statoil
Project management Olav Jan Støve (55) from Hydro
Project control Halfdan Brustad (46) from Hydro
International Einar Kilde (46) from Hydro
People, organisation
and HSE Helga Nes (50) from Hydro
Technology and new energy
Research and development Morten Loktu (46) from Statoil
Early phase and concept development Bjarne Bakken (48) from Statoil
Marine technology
and operations Øystein Håland (52) from Statoil
Sub surface technology Hilde Tonne (41) from Hydro
People, organisation
and HSE Heidi Drilen (48) from Statoil
Global exploration technology BÃ¥rd Krokan (44) from Hydro
Process and processing technology Halfdan Knudsen (48) from Hydro
Finance and control Torje Saur (40) from Statoil
New energy Alexandra Bech Gjørv (41) from Hydro
Natural gas
Processing and transport Knut Barland (48) from Statoil
International gas development Irene Rummelhof (40) from Statoil
Supply and infrastructure Maria Moræus Hanssen (42) from Hydro
Trading and operations Tor Martin Anfinnsen (46) from Statoil
Marketing Bjørn R Jacobsen (51) from Statoil
Finance and control Trine Kloster (42) from Statoil
Strategy and analysis Jan Rune Schøpp (43) from Statoil
Health, safety and environment Snorre W Jensen (60) from Statoil
People and organisation Liv H Berstad (49) from Statoil
Manufacturing and marketing
Oil trading and supply Jan K Karlsen (48) from Statoil
Manufacturing Einar Strømsvåg (51) from Statoil
Energy and retail Jacob Schram (44) from Statoil
People and organisation Heidi Sunde (52) from Statoil
Finance and control Bent Rune Solheim (42) from Statoil
Health, safety and environment Egil Kai Elde (49) from Statoil
Strategy and business development Peder Sortland (43) from Statoil
Chief financial officer
Finance Stig H Christiansen (39) from Statoil
Legal Tom M Eide (46) from Statoil
Planning and performance management Torgrim Reitan (38) from Statoil
Investor relations Lars T Sørensen (46) from Statoil
Risk management Petter Kapstad (52) from Statoil
Accounting and
financial compliance KÃ¥re Thomsen (54) from Statoil
Strategy and acquisitions David W. Nunn (54) from Hydro
Tax Finn Lexow (39) from Hydro
Financial operations Egil Steinberg (50) from Statoil
Staffs and corporate services
People and organisation Jens R. Jenssen (53) from Statoil
Global business services Hans Jakob Hegge (38) from Statoil
Health, safety and environment Gunnar Breivik (48) from Hydro
Information management and -technology Rune Espedal (50) from Statoil
Management systems Randi Grung-Olsen (55) from Statoil
Integrity and social responsibility Anders Kullerud (52) from Hydro
Communication Reidar Gjærum (46) from Statoil
Corporate Audit Stein Egil Næss (55) from Statoil