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Planned Maintenance shut-down in the Oseberg-Area

May 9, 2007, 10:45 CEST

This year, a maintenance shut-down will be implemented for scheduled maintenance work and modifications in the Oseberg/Grane areas and the Sture terminal. Published production targets will, however, not be affected.

Hydro shuts down all production at regular intervals on all offshore installations for which it is operator to facilitate inspections and modifications, carry out necessary maintenance work, to install new equipment and to carry out welding.

This year the following land and offshore installations will be affected: Oseberg Field Centre, Oseberg East, Oseberg South, Oseberg C, Brage, Heimdal, Grane and the Sture-terminal.

All the above installations are connected with regards to their shared utilization of equipment and their capacity for processing and transporting oil and gas.

The bulk of work is scheduled be undertaken from May 30 to Jun 6. The process module on the Heimdal platform will be shut down from May 28 to 0600 Jun 11. Gas transport through Heimdal will only stop from 0600 on 30 May to 0600 Jun 3.

Oseberg Gas Transport will be shut down between 0600 May 29 to 0600 Jun 10.

The loss in production resulting in the planned shut-downs was reported in the company’s Capital Markets Day in December 2006.