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Additional resources to Åsgard

July 5, 2007, 09:30 CEST

Operator Statoil has completed drilling an exploration well at the Yttergryta prospect on the Norwegian Sea's Halten Terrace.

Well 6507/11-8, which lies in production licence 062 around one kilometre east of the Midgard field, was proven to hold gas in sandstones of Jurassic age.

It was drilled to a total depth of 2,749 metres below sea level and halted in early Jurassic rocks. Due to be completed in 2008, it was drilled as a combined exploration and production well and temporarily plugged.

"The well is promising since additional resources were proven in a new structure, thus increasing the hope of further gas finds in the area close to the Midgard field," says Frode Fasteland, acting head of production on the Norwegian continental shelf.

"To ensure the quickest possible development, considerable pre-investments have been made, including the installation of a subsea template and preparations for a future gas pipeline to Midgard in advance of the well coming into production."

The Stena Don drilling rig drilled the well in a water depth of 297 metres.

Statoil is operator for production licence 062 with a 31.1% interest. Other licensees are Total with 24.5%, Hydro (14.7%) and Eni (9.8%).