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Studying the electrification of Utsira High

March 6, 2012, 13:00 CET

The study, which has been initiated by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, is headed by Statoil and involves the operators Lundin and Det norske oljeselskap, as well as the other licence holders.

The work will comprise technical studies, such as concept planning, as well as commercial solutions for the electrification of the fields on the Utsira High. The intention is to create a framework for potentially setting up a company or partnership to own and operate the facilities that will feed the receiving platforms with power.

It is primarily the gigantic Johan Sverdrup discovery – together with Luno, Draupne and Dagny, including  Eirin – that makes such a shared power solution possible. Preparations will be made for the possible subsequent tie-in of other installations on the Norwegian continental shelf.

The study will take in an offshore distribution platform located near Johan Sverdrup, with DC cables from land to the distribution platform and AC cables on to the receiving platforms. An analysis of the  power situation at the potential land-based connection points will also form part of the study.

There will be the additional requirement for converters and transformers on the distribution platform and on land.  AC cables will also be necessary and the existing switching station will need to be extended for connection to the grid network.

The progress plan for study will, to a large extent, be governed by the plans of those who will be in receipt of the power.

A concept will be selected, and the investment decision made,at the earliest in the fourth quarter of this year.

The decision to electrify will be taken by the licence holders/owners, on the basis of profitability, the official specifications and the conditions stipulated . Utsira Height can be well suited for electrification due to its considerable power needs, as well as the favourable distances and water depths involved.