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In Amenas update — 12.00 on January 18

January 18, 2013, 12:01 CET

Statoil's emergency response organisation is still working in full in order to administer this situation and has strong cooperation with the Norwegian government.

One person came to safety over the course of Thursday night and is now receiving medical treatment at a hospital in In Amenas. He is reported to be in stable condition. Statoil is now working to secure transportation for the employee out of In Amenas.

We reported previously today that three local Statoil employees from Algeria, who were in In Amenas during the attack, are in safety in Algiers.

The 18 Statoil employees who came to Palma, Mallorca on Thursday night will travel later today to Bergen. There are expected to arrive at Flesland Airport in Bergen later this afternoon. Among these 18 are five employees who were part of the group of 17 employees involved in the In Amenas attack.

Statoil's emergency response organisation is in cooperation with the Norwegian government in order to get the best possible overview over the situation for those affected.

Over the course of today and tomorrow Statoil will send a team to Algiers to support our emergency response organisation there. The first members of this group will arrive in Algiers later this afternoon.

Statoil is still working to retrieve additional employees out of Algeria today (Friday). Twenty-two Statoil employees flew from Algeria to London on Thursday night and have now travelled home.