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Proposal of candidates

Photo: Øivind Haug
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  3. Proposal of candidates

In accordance with the rules of procedure for the nomination committee, section 3.4, shareholders may propose candidates to the board of directors, the corporate assembly and the nomination committee of EquinorASA.

Proposals can be submitted to the administration by sending an e-mail to

The e-mail should include the following information:

  • Proposed candidate (full name) 
  • Justification
    The justification may include information about the candidate’s relevant experience, professional qualifications and other offices held. It should also be stated which of the governing bodies the candidate is proposed for.
  • The person submitting the proposal (full name) 
  • Number of shares held in Equinor ASA by the person submitting the proposal
    If the shares are administered by an account manager, please state their name, address and VPS account. Equinor reserves the right to reject proposals if the information is not in accordance with Equinor’s share register.

Members of the board of directors, the corporate assembly and the nomination committee are elected for a term of up to two years. If it is necessary to replace members between elections, new candidates will be assessed at the time.

Proposed candidates will be submitted to the chair of the nomination committee prior to the election in question. Equinor reserves the right to reject proposals without stating the reason.

The chair of the nomination committee, Nils Morten Huseby, may be contacted directly at