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Fire in Åsgard B column

February 23, 2000, 11:30 CET

Three people were sent to hospital after a small fire today, 23 February, in Statoil's Åsgard B hull at the Kværner yard in Stavanger.

One of the trio, who have been checked for possible smoke-related injuries, was already back at work in the course of the morning.

The fire broke out just before 06.00 but was extinguished fairly quickly, reports marketing and public affairs manager Rolf Olavesen at Kværner Oil & Gas.

"We believe the blaze began in a switchboard room or a connection box in one of the floater's six support columns," he explains.

In cooperation with the police, the fire brigade and Statoil, Kværner is now working to establish the cause of the incident.

Work on completing the gas platform resumed soon after the fire had been brought under control, and Mr Olavesen says the incident will have no effect on project progress.

Åsgard B is due to be ready for tow-out to the Norwegian Sea field during April, where it will be tied back to the subsea installations and prepared to start producing gas and condensate on 1 October.