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Key information for suppliers

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We recognise the great contributions that our suppliers make to the success of our company and the value they create for our partners and customers. Here you can register services and find key information about becoming an Equinor supplier.

Information on how to become a supplier to Equinor


See the recording from our Global Supplier Day 2024

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  • Equinor Supplier Day – OTD Bergen 2024

    Sotra Arena, Idrettsvegen 50, 5353 Straume
  • Equinor and Aker BP ‘s Supplier Day – Harstad 2024

    Quality Hotel Harstad

What is coming:

Equinor Supplier Day
Kristiansund, 4 December 2024.

SAP Ariba and Icertis to replace our current sourcing and contract management system

Equinor is undergoing a large digital transformation that will substantially change core business processes and digital tools. One of the first key projects that will impact our suppliers is the Establish & Manage Agreements project, also known as "EMA". The EMA solution features the integration of SAP Ariba and Icertis and will replace our current sourcing and contract management system. The solution will standardise and improve collaboration.

To ensure our suppliers know how to use the new system, we will provide a step-by-step guide on this page. The document will be uploaded here end of October 2024. As the change will be rolled out in waves, based on category business units, suppliers connected to each roll-out will receive the necessary communications to prepare for the change when the time comes.

Please note: During this transition, some suppliers will be invited to interact in Ariba network and some may not experience this change.

Our e-Sourcing portal

Our e-Sourcing portal is a web-based tool that covers the e-Sourcing and Manage agreement process for strategic contracts. As described above, the digital transformation Equinor is undergoing will affect when certain suppliers will transition from the existing e-sourcing portal (Contiki system) to the new solution, SAP Ariba and Icertis. Please note: Once suppliers are directed to use the new solution, communications will be managed there moving forward.

Tenderers log on to collect published enquiry documents, perform Q&A sessions/clarifications and upload bid documents. Contiki e-Sourcing portal are also used in Framework agreement execution phase, for collaboration related to documents and communication.

What is the e-sourcing portal?

The e-Sourcing portal is a web portal that enables Equinor and Tenderers/suppliers to communicate and collaborate online.

Why use the e-sourcing portal?

  • Download documents associated with requests
  • Register their interest or intent to bid
  • Ask for and receive answers to clarifications
  • Deliver bidding documents (upload/sharing documents)
  • Manage agreement

Who can use the portal?

Tenderers who receive invitation to participate in a e-Sourcing processes and/or suppliers that have an active contract(s).

Our eAuction portal

Equinor’s eAuction portal is a web-based negotiation tool.

Equinor’s aim to increase the use of eAuctions as a procurement tool, is part of our digital agenda. The eAuction tool will drive efficiency and competitive rates in our industry, without compromising safety and quality. The use of eAuction will be considered on a case-by-case basis, both for contracts and purchase orders. Each eAuction will be carefully designed and supplier training given in advance.

What is the eAuction portal?

The eAuction portal is web tool that enables Equinor and suppliers to negotiate in real time.

Why use the eAuction portal?

  • Transparent and objective commercial negotiation with quick award
  • Open and fair chance to improve procurement ranking
  • Time efficient – no need for travelling
  • HSE and technical weightings are included

Who can use the eAuction portal?

Qualified suppliers who receive invitation to participate in an eAuction event. Ask your Equinor contact person for more information.

How to invoice Equinor

Before submitting an invoice to Equinor, a supplier must be registered in Equinor’s vendor master with a valid ID and have received a purchase order (PO) for a procurement.

Invoices that do not comply with invoicing requirements will be rejected. Here are the specifications you need to ensure successful invoicing.

Requirements for Invoicing

  • Peppol format is the Equinor standard for electronic invoices.
  • Contractor shall submit invoice and credit note in the electronic format according to specifications for either Peppol International model for Billing (PINT) or Peppol BIS Billing v3, unless local legislation has other requirements for invoice format or otherwise instructed by Company.
Equinor invoicing instructions (PDF)

Mandatory reference on invoice


Purchase Order (PO)

10-digit number and starts with 45 45XXXXXXXX

Order line reference. Each invoice line shall refer to a specific order line on the PO

For material the order line reference is a single number just like shown on the PO. Example: 10, 20, 30 etc. For services the order line reference is two numbers combined with a separator number just like shown on the PO Example: 10/10, 10/20, 10/30 etc

Bank account

Supplier bank account number for receiving the payment, IBAN prefferred

  • Suppliers who receive Purchase Orders in the supplier portal hosted by Eye-share and are not yet capable of sending Peppol invoices from their own ERP system (B2B), can use the portal to submit Peppol invoices.

PDFs are only for emergencies when electronic invoicing via Peppol isn't feasible. Please note that paper invoices won't be processed. For further information, contact your contract representative.

Business-to-Business (B2B) digital transactions

Our goal is to achieve touchless digital interaction between Equinor and the suppliers with electronic exchange of business transactions.

Benefits of implementing B2B exchange of business data:

  • Minimal manual effort
  • Higher quality
  • Foundation for automation
  • Enables digital future
  • Digitally mature suppliers will be preferred by Equinor
  • Faster and more efficient plan to pay.

Digitalisation of purchase order transmissions

We’re taking the next steps on our digital transformation journey with our suppliers, where our goal is to achieve contactless digital interaction. Equinor will issue transaction data in a standard digital format to enable suppliers to use the data to automate processes and systems in their own organisations.

Illustration of our Business-to-Business (B2B) architecture
Our Business-to-Business (B2B) architecture

How to send deliveries to Equinor

We receive a large number of goods deliveries. Correct packing, marking and labelling is important to secure effective handling and processing.

Photo: Harald Pettersen

Travelling offshore by helicopter

Our air transport services handles more than 300,000 passenger movements on the NCS each year. A correct check in procedure is crucial to ensure that our helicopter operations run smoothly and on time.

As a passenger, you are responsible to be aware of and follow the relevant requirements set out by us when travelling offshore.