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We take renewable energy seriously. Might not seem like it.

We take renewable energy seriously.

Might not seem like it.

0.4%. That’s the percentage of renewable energy we produced last year. The rest came from oil and gas. How (the heck, some might say) can we claim that we take renewable energy seriously? Stick with us for a few moments here and we’ll try to give you a good answer.


A real transition

Stine thrives on a bit of turbulence — otherwise she wouldn’t have been a manager for offshore wind in Equinor.

Through her job, she contributes to the development of projects that will provide electricity to millions of people.

Status for renewable energy: Not enough being produced, but a lot is happening.

By 2035, the ambition is for Equinor to have an annual production of renewable energy corresponding to half of Norwegian hydropower production. Our ambitions stand firm, despite rising costs and uncertainty in Europe. And we’re on track.

Renewable energy plays a key role in the energy transition. As the most experienced company within floating offshore wind, we operate around half of global floating wind power. Today we are engaged in developing wind farms off the coasts of the UK, Poland and the US.

Searching for better

We have to change. Society has to change. And the world must change. That’s what it will take to achieve success in the energy transition the world desperately needs. And there’s no time to waste if we also want to be the leading company in this transition, which is our goal. Does that mean we face an uphill climb in the years to come? Certainly, but this is the most important task we face.

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