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The biggest test

The world is in the midst of an energy crisis –while the climate crisis is looming. Will we tackle both?

In the miniseries “The biggest test” four young people, who will all be 50 years old in 2050, will explore Equinor’s plan for net zero by 2050.

During the journey they will learn about the energy solutions of the future, debate with experts, and, finally, challenge the CEO, Anders Opedal.

Because is the plan really good enough? Will the world, Norway, and Equinor be sufficiently well-equipped to pass the biggest test?

See the series here

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Episode 1

How close to the edge are we?

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Episode 2

Can’t we just turn off the oil taps?

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Episode 3

Why isn’t the world already powered by renewable energy?

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Episode 4

What’s actually the deal with low-carbon solutions?

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Episode 5

The biggest test

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Get to know the series participants

Get to know the young participants in “the biggest test”.

Mari Qviller (22)

From Elverum, lives in Oslo. A trained scriptwriter. A member of the central board of Young Friends of the Earth Norway.

“I am very passionate about the climate crisis. Putting a stop to Norway’s oil exploration is an issue close to my heart.”

Madeleine Borge (21)

From Oslo, lives in London. Has studied finance and administration. An influencer with 800 000 followers.

“I find it hard to know what information to believe in the climate change debate. However, the optimist in me suggests that everything will be good in the end.”

Milan Aran (23)

From Sandnes, lives in Oslo. Studied finance and administration. Active in Norwegian Young Conservatives (Unge Høyre) for 10 years. Works for the law firm Selmer, and runs several companies that sell products and services to high school graduates.

“The climate crisis is our greatest challenge, but life’s short, and there should not be too many restrictions.”

Ailin Vik (22)

From Fitjar. Mother of two. A drill floor apprentice for the oil service company Archer, she is currently working on the Equinor-operated Statfjord B. Involved in autocross in her leisure time.

“I am proud to work in the oil and gas industry. I am not that committed to the fight against climate change, and actually believe it is a bit exaggerated.”