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Universum Awards 2023 confirm Equinor’s position as Norway’s most attractive employer

New employees in Oslo
Some of our new employees who joined the company in 2023, shown at our Fornebu offices in Oslo, Norway. Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland.

On November 7, Universum announced their awards for 2023, naming Equinor “Top of industry” as most attractive employer in Norway, and showing improvements in our rankings across the board.

Universum is one of the world’s largest and most respected employer branding companies, and twice a year they publish insights from a large sample of respondents who nominate the most attractive companies to work for: students’ rankings in the spring, and experienced professionals in the autumn.

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Award badge

Facts about the Universum Awards

8400 respondents participated in the 2023 Universum survey of professionals, where Equinor was voted “best in industry” in Norway with the following rankings:

  • No. 1 choice for engineers for 20th year running
  • No. 1 choice for economists (2nd in 2022)
  • No. 2 for legal professionals (3rd in 2022)
  • No. 3 for IT professionals, (7th in 2022).
  • Highest ranking industrial company for IT pros.

“Who is your dream employer?”

Respondents are simply asked the question “Who is your dream employer?” and their answers are ranked by discipline: Business, Engineering & Science, IT and Law. This year, 8400 people have had their say, and Equinor has made progress in all categories – except the category for engineering, where we already held first place.

Gender balance

“We are very pleased to have risen in the ranking in all disciplines. It is especially encouraging for Equinor to see that female young professionals have ranked us higher in 2023 than in previous years. This is a positive sign towards an increased progress in the workforce gender balance,” says Jesica Altamirano, head of Diversity and Inclusion in PO.

It’s especially encouraging for us in Equinor to see that female professionals have ranked us higher in 2023 than in previous years. This is a positive sign towards an increased progress in the workforce gender balance

Jesica AltamiranoHead of Diversity and Inclusion in PO
Jesica Altamirano

20 years running

“Furthermore, we are proud to have risen to first place among business professionals, achieved second place among lawyers, and not least climbed significantly from 7th to 3rd place in IT, which is an important focus area for us,” says Stian With, head of Attraction, Recruitment and Induction (ARI) in Equinor.

“For the twentieth consecutive year, Equinor has retained first place as the most attractive workplace for engineers in Young Professionals, that is to say, highly educated professionals around the age of 35. And we’ve captured top spot for economists, up one place from last year,” he says.

The team from Equinor
Some of the team from Equinor. From left, Elisabeth Bruksås, Virginie Bachelet, Evmorfia Andritsopoulou, Francesco Cilia. Photo: Martin Suarez

Belief in the future

“It’s really inspiring to receive feedback like this from selective and highly qualified professionals who show that they believe in our company and the important and ambitious goals we have set for the future,” says Equinor’s executive vice president for PO, Aksel Stenerud.

“It’s encouraging that so many of the most eligible applicants believe it would be exciting to contribute to the energy transition from a position within the company,” he says.

“So far this year, we have hired 1900 new colleagues, and in the time ahead we will need to recruit significantly more.

“To receive such endorsement of our attractiveness from such results from the Universum awards is therefore very reassuring and means a lot to us,” says With.

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Graph: Universum
Showing Equinor's results for the last 5 years. Graph: Universum