Njord field cutting 130 000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year from 2027
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The Njord A platform at sunrise
Based on a collaboration project with OKEA, Njord A will be electrified to cut greenhouse gas emissions from production. Equinor has, on behalf of the Njord licence partners, submitted a revised plan for development and operation (PDO) to the Ministry of Petroleum and Industry.
Facts about Njord
- Njord is located in the Norwegian Sea, 30 kilometres west of Draugen, and 130 kilometres northwest of Kristiansund in 330 metres of water.
- Discovered in 1986, the plan for development and operation of Njord was approved in 1995. The field came on stream on 30 September 1997.
- The field development concept includes a floating steel platform, Njord A, featuring an integrated deck with drilling and processing facilities and living quarters.
- Produced oil is transported by pipeline to the Njord Bravo floating storage and offloading vessel (FSO), and from there by tankers to the market.
- Gas from the field is exported through a 40-kilometre pipeline connected to the Åsgard transport system (ÅTS), and from there to the Kårstø terminal.
- In the period 2016 to 2022 the platform and FSO were upgraded and prepared for operation until 2040. Plans call for the field to resume production in December.
- The Hyme field is tied back to Njord. As part of the completed project, the platform was also prepared for tie-back of the Bauge and Fenja fields.
- License holders for Njord are Wintershall Dea Norge AS (50 percent), Equinor Energy AS (27,5 percent, operatør) and Neptune Energy Norge AS (22,5 percent).