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Equinor renewables in Spain

Photo: Equinor

The Spanish government aims to transform its energy mix and plans to develop up to 3 GW offshore wind by 2030. We are ready to contribute.

That’s why we have teamed up with Naturgy to jointly explore the potential for floating offshore wind in Spain. This includes the Canary Islands as well as other regions.

Together we bring the complementary experience and capabilities needed to develop high-performing floating offshore wind that will provide sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy.

Equinor: A leading player in offshore wind

Wind power is a key enabler in the world’s energy transition, and we are among the top global players in offshore wind, drawing on our extensive offshore experience. We have wind farms or involvement in projects in the UK, the US, Baltic Sea, France, Germany and South Korea.

The Floating Wind Canary Island Project (FOWCA)

The first Spanish offshore wind auction is expected to be in the Canary region. Equinor and Naturgy are jointly assessing the opportunity to develop and construct the Floating Wind Canary Island Project (FOWCA) which could potentially be the first renewables project for Equinor in Spain.

Coexistence with other marine interests

We believe in the cooperative coexistence of floating wind and other marine industries and interests. In our experience early dialogue and close collaboration is key to make this happen.

Through a partnership with Marine Scotland Science, we have undertaken trials at Hywind Scotland to find out whether it is possible to fish safely with certain types of static fishing gear inside the turbine area of a floating offshore windfarm.

These trials provide valuable insights for Equinor's floating offshore wind projects in Spain.

Discover more about these fishing trials in the following video, subtitled in Spanish:

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