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US Onshore oil and gas

Photo: Stuart Conway
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Equinor has been active in the development and production of onshore oil and gas in the US since 2009. Our onshore portfolio is focused on producing natural gas and natural gas liquids from the Marcellus/Utica formations in the Appalachian Basins. These assets produce ~260 boepd. (as of Q1 2021, includes non-operated and equity production).

What is unconventional oil and gas?

The term unconventional refers to a variety of hydrocarbon resources that historically have been more technically challenging to access. For decades geologists have known that large quantities of hydrocarbons are trapped in tight, low porosity shale formations around the world – natural resources that have until recently been out of reach for the industry.

It wasn’t until the coming together of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing methods that made developing these resources commercially feasible for US domestic energy production. The combination of these proven technologies would propel the US to becoming the leading global producer in oil and gas today.

Unconventional oil and gas resources are an important part of Equinor’s portfolio and have contributed significant production growth over the last decade.

Our shale operator commitments

As shale and tight oil and gas development transforms communities, bringing opportunity and wealth, these activities also bring challenges.

Our operations are underpinned by four key pillars that make up our shale operator commitments. They explain our attitude and approach as we seek solutions to overcome those challenges.

Shale Production Lifecycle

Safe & Responsible Operations